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Quasithermal Neutrinos from Rotating Protoneutron Stars Born during Core Collapse of Massive Stars

机译:来自旋转中子星的准中微子在核心期间出生   大规模星团的崩溃



Rotating and magnetized protoneutron stars (PNSs) may drive relativisticmagneto-centrifugally accelerated winds as they cool immediately after corecollapse. The wind fluid near the star is composed of neutrons and protons, andthe neutrons become relativistic while collisionally coupled with the ions.Here, we argue that the neutrons in the flow eventually undergo inelasticcollisions around the termination shock inside the stellar material, producing~0.1-1 GeV neutrinos, without relying on cosmic-ray acceleration mechanisms.Even higher-energy neutrinos may be produced via particle accelerationmechanisms. We show that PINGU and Hyper-Kamiokande can detect such neutrinosfrom nearby core-collapse supernovae, by reducing the atmospheric neutrinobackground via coincident detection of MeV neutrinos or gravitational waves andoptical observations. Detection of these GeV and/or higher-energy neutrinoswould provide important clues to the physics of magnetic acceleration,nucleosynthesis, the relation between supernovae and gamma-ray bursts, and theproperties of newly born neutron stars.
机译:旋转和磁化的原质子星(PNSs)可能在磁心塌陷后立即冷却时驱动相对论性的磁心加速风。恒星附近的风流体由中子和质子组成,中子在与离子碰撞时变为相对论,此处我们认为流中的中子最终围绕恒星材料内部的终止激波经历了非弹性碰撞,产生了〜0.1- 1 GeV中微子,不依赖宇宙射线加速机制,甚至更高能量的中微子也可能通过粒子加速机制产生。我们显示PINGU和Hyper-Kamiokande可以通过同时检测MeV中微子或引力波和光学观测来减少大气中微子背景,从而从附近的核塌陷超新星中检测出此类中微子。这些GeV和/或高能中微子的检测将为磁加速,核合成,超新星与伽马射线爆发之间的关系以及新生中子星的性质提供重要线索。



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